United Way of Blount County is the unifying force of this community in more ways than one. In addition to providing funding to 26 partner agencies and 41 local programs, United Way offers educational opportunities for the community. We team up with businesses, nonprofits, churches, and other groups to raise awareness and understanding of poverty and ALICE in Blount County.
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
Scroll down for more information
Bridges out of Poverty Workshop
Investigate the impact of socioeconomic class and how to better serve individuals in poverty.
Poverty Simulation
Spend a “month” in poverty during this immersive activity and build empathy and understanding of low-income community members.
ALICE Information Session
Learn about who is struggling in Blount County, what a survival budget looks like, and how you can lift up your community.
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Bridges out of Poverty Workshop
5 hours
virtual or in-person
12-60 participants
Cost: $300
Investigate questions such as:
What does poverty look like in Blount County?
What are the hidden rules of socioeconomic class?
How do I work with people who experience or have experienced poverty?
How can I help make my community a better place for everyone?
Our Certified Bridges out of Poverty Trainers
Poverty Simulation
Experience the following:
Living with a low-income in Blount County
Impact of poverty on families
Real-life scenarios
Increased empathy for people in poverty
4 hours
in-person only
36-88 participants
Cost: $500
ALICE Information Session
Learn about the following:
Who is ALICE?
Statistics specific to Blount County
Difference between Federal Poverty Line and ALICE Threshold
How can you lift up ALICE in our community?
30 minutes / 1 hour / 90 minutes
virtual or in-person
groups of any size
no cost
Still Not Sure? Ready to Schedule?
Contact Sarah Jurinsky at sjurinsky@unitedwayblount.org or 865-982-2251 ext. 115 if you have any questions.
If you’re ready to schedule or want more information, submit an interest form now!